Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Adventures in Our First Class

Hello Class!!!

It was so nice to see so many smiling faces today in our first math class. We were all excited to start another school year weren't we? I hope that you enjoyed your first class, I know that I did.

It was fun comparing our heights today wasn't it? Cooperating with others is a good way to get work done, and you all cooperated so well. Most importantly, you learned that you have been comparing items all along without even realizing that was what you were doing, didn't you?

Today we did mass sorting as well, that is we sorted the class into long, medium, and short categories. This showed that everyone is different and that is what makes our class so interesting!

Math is a subject that you use everyday without even noticing it. That's why it can be so much fun to learn new things because you can use it all the time.

Tonight for homework I would like you to draw a picture of some items and arrange them for shortest to longest. The objects can be puppies or pencils, anything that you want. You can colour your pictures and make them as nice as you like because we will be showing them in class tomorrow.

Thank you for an excellent class today, you are all super students!!!

Miss Herridge

NOTE TO PARENTS: Today in class I had the students lay a piece of butcher paper on the floor, while each student took a turn laying down, and another student traced their outline. I had them draw in facial features and even clothing. Then we cut out the shapes. Before we started I had the children estimate how many straws high they think they would be, I then let the children measure themselves with the straws. We discussed how close their estimates were to their actual measurements and then compared children in the class, by mass sorting.

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