Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Pattern Section Overview

Hello Boys and Girls!

We have successfully completed our first section on "Shape and Space". Wasn't it fun playing with all those learning centers? I know that I had fun!

Now we can look at our second section "Patterns". You probably already know what a pattern is. For example, maybe your dad wears a checkered shirt, that's a pattern. Or maybe your dog has spots, that's another pattern. We see patterns everyday!

In class we are going to look at how numbers can be represented as patterns like on a dice in a board game.

We are going to look at number patterns and shape patterns and learn how to guess which shape or number will come next.

Then we will also look at 2-D and 3-D shapes and learn what each one is called.

This section is going to be even more fun than the last section! Looking forward to seeing you in class.

Miss Herridge

NOTE TO PARENTS: This sections relates to the Curriculum Guides Section C. The general curriculum outcomes that will be reached in this section is:

GCO C: Students will explore, recognize, represent, and apply patterns and relationship, both informally and formally.

And more specific:

Students will be expected to create and recognize physical configurations for numbers.
Students will be expected to reproduce, extend, and create simple patterns based on number and sequence patterns.
Students will be expected to create patterns with 3-D solids and 2-D shapes.

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