Thursday, March 16, 2006


See - Saws In Class??

Hello Grade 1's!!

Well today was fun wasn't it? Everyone had a chance to show their hand drawn shortest to longest homework. All of my students are so creative and can colour so well! :)

Today instead of just comparing objects and arranging them in order we talked about weight. Today was our first time using pan scales, it was neat to see how they work like a see - saw. I love playing with play - doh, don't you? It's even more fun when we are learning!

Tonight for homework I want you to find 2 things at home, one that is heavy and one that is light, and bring them to class tomorrow for show and tell. It will be interesting to see what things the class will bring in. Happy hunting! :)

Miss Herridge

NOTE TO PARENTS: Today in math class we discussed how we can "feel" when some things are heavy and when some things are light. I had the students put books in their book bags, and lift them, and then take the books out. We talked about the difference, and gave examples of heavy and light objects, for examples elephants compared to mice. We then played with play- doh. We made balls of different sizes and compared their weights. We made balls that were half the weight of some and then we checked their weight with our pan scales. We compared different balls made by the students.

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